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16th COMPASS Annual Awards Presentation

July 11, 2011


Dr Yaacob Ibrahim
Minister, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts

List of Recipients

Top Local English Pop Song
Lagu Pop Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik

Song Title: Rainbows

By: Taz Tan Tai Zheng 陈台证 and Dayvid Foo Suan Ngee 符传义 (Composers)

Highest Royalty Earning Local English Composition in the pop music genre for the year in review


Penerimaan Royalti Tertinggi Gubahan lagu Inggeris tempatan kategori muzik pop

Top Local Chinese Pop Song
Lagu Pop China Tempatan Terbaik

Song Title: 寂寞先生 Ji Mo Xian Sheng

By: Xiaohan 小寒 (Lyricist)

Highest Royalty Earning Local Chinese Composition in the pop music genre (include Chinese Dialects like Cantonese, Hokkien etc) for the year in review


Penerimaan Royalti Tertinggi Gubahan lagu China tempatan kategori muzik pop (termasuk logat China seperti Cantonese, Hokkien)

Top Local Malay Pop Song
Lagu Pop Melayu Tempatan Terbaik

Song Title: Dua Insan

By: Abdul Rahim Bin Mohamad (Composer)

Highest Royalty Earning Local Malay Composition in the pop music genre for the year in review


Penerimaan Royalti Tertinggi Gubahan lagu Melayu tempatan kategori muzik pop

Top Local Soundtrack
Soundtrack tempatan terbaik

Song Title: 如燕 Ru Yan (Soundtrack of 小娘惹 Little Nonya)

By: Tan Kah Beng 陈佳明 (Composer)

Highest Royalty Earning Local Composition used in films; documentaries; dramas etc. for the year in review.


Penerimaan Royalti Tertinggi Gubahan tempatan yg digunakan dalam filem, rencana, drama

Top Local Serious Music
Muzik Serius Tempatan Terbaik

Song Title: Madhuvanthi

By: Yasotha Somasundram

Highest Royalty Earning Local Composition in the serious music genre for the year in review.


Penerimaan Royalti Tertinggi Gubahan tempatan ketigori muzik serius

Top Local Instrumental Contemporary
Muzik Tempatan Bersifat Alatan Terbaik

Song Title: Our Favourite Time of the Year 

By: Chester Tan 陈元熙

Highest Royalty Earning Local Composition in the instrumental contemporary genre for the year in review.


Penerimaan Royalti Tertinggi Gubahan tempatan ketigori muzik bersifat alatan

Top Local Songwriter of the Year
Penggubah Tempatan Terbaik

Recipient: JJ Lin 林俊杰

Local composer who has the highest royalty earnings for the year in review.


Penggubah Tempatan yang menerima jumlah royalti tertinggi

COMPASS Young Composer of the Year
Penggubah Muda Terbaik

Recipient: Chester Tan 陈元熙

Local composer who has the highest royalty earnings for the year in review among those below the age of 35.


Penggubah Tempatan di bawah usia 35 tahun yang mererima jumlah royalti tertinggi

Top Local Publisher of the Year
Penerbit Tempatan Terbaik

Recipient: Touch Music Publishing Pte Ltd 大石音乐

Local music publisher who has the highest royalty earnings for the year in review.


Pernerbit Muzik Tempatan yang menerima jumlah royalti tertinggi

Top Publisher (Overall) of the Year
Penerbit Keseluruhan Terbaik

Recipient: Universal Music Publishing 环球音乐

Music publisher who has the highest royalty earnings for the year in review.


Penerbit Muzik yang menerima jumlah royalti tertinggi

Top Local Artiste of the Year
Artis Tempatan Terbaik

Recipient: JJ Lin林俊杰

Accorded based on the total amount of performing royalties generated from all songs performed by an artiste for the year in review.


Berdasarkan jumlah royalti persembahan keseluruhan dari kesemua lagu yang di persembahkan oleh seorang artis

Patron of Singapore Music Writers Award

Recipient: William Xavier

Individual who has contributed significantly to the promotion of the popularity and cause of Singapore music writers.


Kepada Mereka Yang Telah Menyumbang Untuk Menyemarakan Industri Muzik Singapura

Wings of Excellence Award
Anugerah Sayap Kecemerlangan

Recipient: Goh Zennon 吴剑泓

Outstanding Individual who has achieved outstanding performance internationally.


Individu yang meraih kejayaan cemerlang

Artistic Excellence Award
Anugerah Artistik Cemerlang

1) Ismail Haron
2) Joshua Wan 万恩泉
3) Jennifer Tham 谭秀英

Outstanding individuals who excelled in their respective musical fields eg performing musicians, music arrangers, composers, music producers.


Individu yang cemerlang didalam muzik yang diceburi seperti , penggubah, penyusun lagu, penerbit.

Meritorious Award
Anugerah Meritorious

Recipient: Nelson Kwei 桂乃舜

Prominent individual in the music industry who has contributed significantly or has made an impact on the development of local music in Singapore.


Individu yang terkenal dengan sumbangan beliau didalam industri muzik atau yang telah banyak membantu didalam pembangunan industri music Singapura

Lifetime Achievement Award


Anugerah Pencapaian Sepanjang Hayat

Recipient: Lim Yau 林耀

Nationally renowned individuals who are outstanding musicians themselves and at the same time has made continuous contribution to the development and nurturing of the local music talents in his or her entire life.


Individu-individu terkemuka negara yang bukan sahaja cemerlang sebagai pemuzik, tetapi juga telah memberikan sumbangan berterusan kepada pembangunan dan pemupukan bakat-bakat muzik tempatan sepanjang hayat mereka.

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