Really, majority of the musicians wonder how to publicize your music without having the risk of your music copyrights infringed. And the Internet is so advanced now, publicity goes viral and works best online, so far. So, can musicians/ should musicians do everything online?
“Record companies and independent musicians are frantically seeking new business models to make money. Independent musicians are finding they have a lot more tools at their disposal to manage their own careers. They have discovered that the playing field is level on the net, and that it is easier for musicians to reach and be close to their fans. However many musicians, having bravely embraced the Internet world, could hardly see any improvement in their earnings as compared to the past era of CDs. So should musicians fear Internet? Is the internet good for musicians and the music industry? This talk cum panel discussion will give you some useful insights so that you can better leverage on the Internet and have more realistic expectation of what Internet can or cannot do for a musician.”
Event Date/Day : 9th March, Saturday
Event Duration : 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Event Location : NLB, National Library Board
Level 1, Visitors’ Briefing Room
To register, please contact Rusedah from Perkamus. You may email her at or call 98891346! See you there!