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Dispute & Resolution

1. A notice of dispute may be submitted to the Society at the details below:

Post:    Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited
             60 Paya Lebar Road
             #12-48 Paya Lebar Square
             Singapore 409051

Email: resolution@compass.org.sg

Distribution matters:   Head of Distribution, Raymond Tan
Membership matters: Head of Membership, Caroline Heng
Licensing matters:      Head of Licensing, Tan Ming Quan

2. A notice of dispute should include:
(a) Complainant’s particulars: the Complainant’s full name, email address, and contact number. If submitting on behalf of an organisation, to also include the organisation’s full name, organisation’s address and Complainant’s designation in the organisation.
(b) subject line as “Dispute Resolution – [Complainant’s Name] – [Issue in dispute]”.
(c) the key details of the dispute.
(d) the remedy being sought and the supporting reasons; and
(e) any supporting documents.

3. Upon receiving a dispute notice, an acknowledgment of receipt of the notice of dispute will be provided. The relevant head of department will arrange for an investigation and the Complainant may be contacted for further information.

4. Depending on the complexity of the issue, a written decision will be issued between 3 to 5 weeks of receipt of the notice of dispute.

5. In the event of an adverse decision, the reasons shall be provided for in writing and the member shall have 7 days to submit a written appeal to the CEO at the above address.

6. The final decision shall be made within 60 days after the notice of dispute is given.

7. The Society shall act in good faith and reasonably to investigate, decide on or otherwise deal with the dispute.

8. The Complainant is expected to cooperate in good faith and reasonably and the Society shall not be responsible for any delay by the Complainant in the dispute resolution process.

9. For licensing disputes, a different process may apply. Music Users should seek a licence from our Licensing Department before usage of our copyrighted music. In the event an agreement cannot be reached, parties may refer the matter to the Copyright Tribunal. Where copyright infringement or a breach of licence agreement has taken place, the Society fully reserves its rights to take the appropriate action such as through the Singapore Courts or the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (Singapore).

10. This Policy may only be amended by a general meeting of members and any amendment is void to the extent that it is inconsistent with the Copyright (Collective Management Organisations) Regulations 2023.

11. This Policy does not affect any rights of the Society or Complainant, including a person who gives a notice of dispute (including the right of either to refer the dispute to a Copyright Tribunal).

Last updated on 26 March 2025