About Us

COMPASS Committees

Management Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To oversee the appointment of senior management and their remuneration packages.
  2. To review and endorse recommendations proposed by CEO on major staff matters like annual wage increment, performance bonus, welfare benefits.
  3. To review and endorse recommendations proposed by the CEO on annual budget and major expenditures.
  4.  To ensure succession planning is in place.
Chairman Prof Jeremy Monteiro
Deputy Chairman Dr Goh Toh Chai
Members Dr Liang Wern Fook
  Mr Jack Teo (Universal Music)
  Ms Sharon Chua (Sony Music)
  Mr Darryl David


Executive Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To discuss with Management the progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan and related policies.
  2.  To identify major areas for change or improvement in the operations.
  3. To advise the Board regarding the organisation’s general policies and strategies, and the communication of all relevant information to enable the Board to take informed decisions.
  4. To advise the Board on decisions that involved a material reputational or material legal risk to the organisation.
Chairman Prof Jeremy Monteiro
Deputy Chairman Dr Goh Toh Chai
Members Dr Edmund Lam
  Relevant Heads of Department


Public & Members Engagement Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To help identify the needs of members and recommend the development of services to meet those needs.
  2. To recommend ways to increase membership especially among the promising young writers and publishers.
  3. To welcome and orientate new members and to encourage their participation in COMPASS activities.
  4. To advice and recommend actions on marketing and communication strategies.
  5. To advice on the management, creation and scheduling of website and social media contents.
  6. To review and make recommendations on applications for membership, and members’ applications for financial support schemes and event sponsorships.
Chairman Mr Eddino Abdul Hadi
Deputy Chairman Dr Liang Wern Fook
Members Prof Jeremy Monteiro
  Mr Charles Lim
  Mr Imran Ajmain
  Ms Ivy Peh (Amusic)
  Ms Sharon Chua (Sony Music)
  Mr Darryl David

Licensing Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To review and update licence tariffs and conditions attached to existing licences/ permits and to agree new conditions required due to changes in legislation or changes in trends or practices.
  2. To review and make recommendations on major licensing matters and disputes, and any other matters of a licensing nature referred by the CEO.
  3. To review and mediate the complaints and disputes involving licensees that could not be resolved at management level as set forth in the Complaints and Dispute Resolution protocol.
Chairman Mr Jack Teo (Universal)
Deputy Chairman Ms Ivy Peh (Amusic)
Members Prof Jeremy Monteiro
  Mr Eddino Abdul Hadi
  Mr Imran Ajmain
  Mr Wilson Tan (Touch)

Documentation & Distribution Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To review and make recommendations on proposed changes to the Distribution rules for approval by members at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. To take the necessary measures to ensure compliance and implementation of the approved Distribution rules.
  3. To review and recommend policies and appropriate resources to ensure COMPASS repertoire, local and international, are properly and promptly updated and make available for access by the general public in compliance with regulatory requirements.
  4. To review and mediate the complaints and disputes involving members that could not be resolved at management level as set forth in the Complaints and Dispute Resolution protocol.
Chairman Ms Sharon Chua (Sony Music)
Deputy Chairman Ms Ivy Peh (Amusic)
Members Prof Jeremy Monteiro
  Dr Liang Wern Fook
  Mr Imran Ajmain
  Mr Jack Teo (Universal Music)
  Ms Jacqueline Chong (Warner Chappell Music)

Writer Members Consultative Committee

Terms of Reference:

  1. To gather feedback from members and the industry at large on matters such as new policies, procedures, conditions of membership, learning and development needs, and any other matters of mutual interest.
  2. To suggest ideas on engagement activities and initiatives to the Board for consideration.
  3. To assist in reaching out to members and help roll out initiatives like “Meet the Members” dialog sessions.
  4. To listen to feedback from members on the ground and be a fair advocate for COMPASS so that we can improve our service to members and the music scene.
  5. To alert the Membership and PR Department on interesting initiatives so that we can help publicise the performance and compositional activities of our members.
Chairman Prof Jeremy Monteiro
Deputy Chairman Dr Goh Toh Chai
Members Mr Eddino Abdul Hadi
  Mr Charles Lim
  Mr Wilson Tan (Touch)

Last updated on 26 March 2025