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Viewing 30 of 62 COMPASS Awards Posts

20th COMPASS Awards Presentation 2015

GUEST OF HONOUR: President Tony Tan Keng Yam List of Recipients NO. CATEGORIES REMARKS 1. TOP LOCAL ENGLISH POP SONG 最佳本地英语流行歌曲 Lagu Pop Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik Song Title: The Life By: Trick (Composers & Lyricists Marc Lian and Richard Jansen) Highest Royalty Earning Local English Composition in the pop music genre for the year in review… [Read more]

9 years, 5 months ago

INVITATION: 20th COMPASS Awards Presentation

Dear Members RE: INVITATION TO 20TH COMPASS AWARDS PRESENTATION On behalf of the Board of Directors of COMPASS, we cordially invite you to attend our: 20th COMPASS Awards Presentation scheduled on Sunday, 27th September 2015. Venue : Resorts World Convention Centre, West Central Ballroom, Basement 2 Admission & Cocktail Reception : Starts at 6.00 pm… [Read more]

9 years, 7 months ago

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 20th COMPASS Awards Presentation

The 20th COMPASS Awards Presentation will be held in September 2015, 7pm at Resorts World Sentosa, West Central Ballroom. Nominations for the following awards categories are now open:- 1) COMPASS Artistic Excellence Award Outstanding individuals/collective group who have excelled in their respective musical fields, eg. performing musicians, music arrangers, music producers etc. 2) COMPASS Meritorious… [Read more]

10 years, 4 months ago

19th COMPASS Awards Presentation 2014

GUEST OF HONOUR: Mr Sam Tan Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office & Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth List of Recipients CATEGORIES REMARKS Top Local English Pop Song 最佳本地英语流行歌曲 Lagu Pop Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik Song Title: Beautiful Life By: Corrinne May 符美云 (Composer & Lyricist) Highest Royalty Earning Local English Composition in the pop music genre… [Read more]

10 years, 5 months ago

INVITATION: 19th COMPASS Awards Presentation

Dear Members RE: INVITATION TO 19th COMPASS AWARDS PRESENTATION On behalf of the Board of Directors of COMPASS, we cordially invite you to attend our: 19th COMPASS Awards Presentation scheduled on Sunday, 28th September 2014 Venue : Resorts World Convention Centre, West Central Ballroom, Basement 2 Admission & Cocktail Reception : Starts at 6.00 pm… [Read more]

10 years, 7 months ago

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 19th COMPASS Awards Presentation

The 19th COMPASS Awards Presentation will be held in September 2014, 7pm at Resorts World Sentosa, West Central COMPASS Ballroom. Nominations for the following awards categories are now open:- 1) COMPASS Artistic Excellence Award Outstanding individuals/collective group who have excelled in their respective musical fields, eg. performing musicians, music arrangers, music producers etc. 2) COMPASS… [Read more]

11 years, 2 months ago

18th COMPASS Annual Awards Presentation

GUEST OF HONOUR: Mr Lawrence Wong Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information List of Recipients CATEGORIES REMARKS Top Local English Pop Song 最佳本地英语流行歌曲 Lagu Pop Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik Song Title: Home By: Dick Lee 李迪文 (Composer & Lyricist) Highest Royalty Earning Local English Composition in the… [Read more]

11 years, 5 months ago

INVITATION: Compass 18th Annual Awards Presentation

Dear Members RE: INVITATION TO 18th COMPASS AWARDS PRESENTATION On behalf of the Board of Directors of COMPASS, we cordially invite you to attend our: 18th COMPASS Awards Presentation scheduled on Sunday, 29th September 2013. Venue : Resorts World Convention Centre, West Central Ballroom, Basement 2 Admission & Cocktail Reception : Starts at 6.00 pm… [Read more]

11 years, 7 months ago

17th COMPASS Awards Presentation: Annual Address

ANNUAL ADDRESS BY DR EDMUND LAM, CEO & DIRECTOR / COMPASS AT COMPASS AWARDS 2012 CEREMONY HELD AT MARINA BAY SANDS CONVENTION CENTRE GRAND BALLROOM ON SUNDAY 8TH JULY 2012 Ladies and gentlemen, a very good evening. On behalf of the Chairman and the Board of Directors of COMPASS, I extend our warmest welcome to… [Read more]

12 years, 8 months ago

17th COMPASS Annual Awards Presentation

GUEST OF HONOUR: Ms Grace Fu Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Ministry of The Environment and Water Resources List of Recipients CATEGORIES REMARKS Top Local English Pop Song 最佳本地英语流行歌曲 Lagu Pop Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik Song Title: You & Me By: Dick Lee 李迪文 (Composer) and Olivia Ong 王俪婷 (Lyricist) Highest Royalty… [Read more]

12 years, 8 months ago