Live & Mechanical Music | Cost |
1st 50 square metres | $ 315.42 |
Each additional 10 square metres | $ 31.54 |
Annual licence fees are subject to a minimum charge of $ 320.
(1) Applications and payments must be received by our office at least 5 working days prior to commencement of the licence year.
(2) The licence fee payable for the first year of the licence will be 50% higher where the music user has not obtained COMPASS’s music licence before performing musical works in public, without prejudice to any claims by COMPASS for past unlicensed usage of musical works.
(3) Licence fees are subject to late payment interest of 10% per annum, with late interest payment for each applicable licence year calculated commencing from the first day of that licence year.
(4) COMPASS reserves the sole discretion to decide which tariff scheme applies for the music usage.
(5) Rates are subject to GST.